
Integrity Contact

(480) 440-0601

Are You Responding to Your Inquiries?

Integrity Contact > Calling  > Are You Responding to Your Inquiries?

Are You Responding to Your Inquiries?

Out of 2,241 U.S. companies audited (...), 37% responded to leads within an hour, 16% within 24 hours, 24% took longer than 24 hours, and 23% of companies never responded at all. For the companies that responded within 30 days, the average response time was 42 hours.

– Harvard Business Review

What is your response time? Are you losing prospective students because you are unable to reach them quickly enough? With over 20 years of of Contact Strategy expertise in Higher Education, Integrity Contact can help. Our experts will collaborate with your enrollment team to develop a customized Contact Strategy to fit your needs – and increase your enrollment numbers.  Integrity Contact believes it is important to “put your best foot forward.”  We represent you and your institution in the best possible light.

We use proven industry best practices to achieve optimal results in establishing contact with prospective and current students.

Speed to Lead

With our real-time integration solution, Integrity Contact guarantees that over 80% of your prospective student leads will get called in under 5 minutes, with the majority contacted in under 1 minute.

Preview Dialing

We employ a 1 to 1 call per agent ratio, as opposed to a system making many calls and connecting agents when a prospective student answers. Each one of our calls is previewed before dialing.  This gives us the advantage of reviewing the details of the prospective student to have a personable and informed conversation.

Live Chat

Using live chat channels to interact with prospective or current students has been shown to be extremely effective in achieving high levels of satisfaction. Integrity Contact can incorporate this valuable tool into your Contact Strategy.

Targeted Email

When used correctly, targeted email campaigns are a tried and true way to reach your target audience.

Survey Calling

Tap into the potential of your current students, alumni and inactive students through survey calls. Gain valuable insights from these groups and find out what can be done to continue to meet their needs.

Emerging Contact Channels and Trends

  • Mobile
  • Social Media


Statistics prove that Integrity Contact is twice as likely to convert from interest to enrollment when we are first to call and contact.  We want to give this benefit to your institution. We can do all this for you, allowing you to use the resources within your enrollment team most efficiently and effectively.  We desire to partner with your team and enhance their current contact and enrollment efforts.

To learn more, please email us at info@integritycontact.com or call us at 480-440-0601.